Last day of production! The Valkyrians have been working hard all day with polish, playtesting and bug-fixing (and still are). They are currently in the final stage and have a few things yet to fix so we will have to wait a little while before we can try our hands on it.
Downloadable link will be available in tomorrow's blog entry! So Keep an eye out. In the meantime, here are some super pretty screenshots from their final result!
Some sneak peak pictures from Team Lynx finished level for their game Familiar.
Pictures from Team Wolverines final game Fyri
Tomorrow we will all sit down and have a postmortem, we also start saying goodbye to a few that leaves during the day(including me... *sad face*).
To everyone reading this blog, please come back tomorrow for the last entry of Valkyrie Jam 2019 and finally the downloadable link to these amazing games!